Thursday, September 14, 2006

Sunday 17 September

The farewell sauna for Samir, before he heads back to Morocco.

On 17 September 1978 Begin, Sadat and Carter signed the Camp David Accord -- let's try to enjoy an evening with slightly more successful results!

Who's coming? MarsBar, Luke Skywalker, Samir Bronwen,

Apologies: Kali, Mac na Alba, Nic & John will all be festivalling, at different ends of the country, and Red who is busy.........being very RED, & Sam who is being delicious as well as Smukmand (previously engaged).

What are you bringing?
Mains: Primrose Goddess (Soup)
Sides: Bronwen (cheeses)
Bread: Marsbar
Salad: You must be joking....
Dessert: Mystery Guest
Beer/Guinness/Wine: Samir


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