Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sauna Sunday August 15 2010

Yes it is August 15. This is the date of Duncan the First's death at the hands of Macbeath in 1040 and then on the same day in 1057 Macbeath was killed. It is also the day the Woodstock Festival opened.


because of the prevailing political climate, we thought we should PARTY!


So, if you would like to join THE PARTY...
Here is where you sign up.

COMING: The coven will include the following comrades: Mirri, Zany, Samir ( last sauna before trip to Pakistan), Baggage, Sam, Mac nan Alba, Oh my Phloems, Kali...

SIDES: A very concentrated Mac nan Alba

MAINS:  Kali's Spanish themed sherry roast chicken with chorizo and manzanilla olives.


DRINKS: Baggage will bring one white wine and an ale, Oh My Phloems will produce some beer...


RECIDIVISTS: John, Nic,Fidel (feeling better, but not up to a sauna quite yet!), Trotsky still has a headache, Fruitbat, Graduate Princessm, Sr Deeeee...

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