Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Suzanna Returns!

Sauna is on this weekend (Sunday 4 December) in celebration of the return of the delightful Suzanna.

We are so far:

Here's the latest for Sunday.

The list has blown out a little this week so please bear in mind our expanded numbers (17!!!!) when preparing your contribution.

Sam is co-ordinating our mains and so communicating with her is a high priority for anyone bringing food.  

Here we go:

John and Nic- meatballs, olives, turkish bread
Davyyd & Matteo – self catering
Suzanna - honoured guest
Keith – cheese & crackers
Kali – pudding
Poet – wine
Sam – chorizo dish, chicken dish, oven roast potatoes, guacamole or bean dip (wow!)
Dr D and Duchess - fruit salad
Fiona - bread?
Carrie &  Mark – frittata 
Hal & Jess - white wine
Andrea - Salad

We could probably use another tapas dish or more wine (usually).  There are beers in the fridge that need drinking too.

We look forward to a steamy catch-up.



Apologies from Shez.

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