The drill is simple.
"So, you've decided to become a pagan. Great! But you can't show up at the next full moon ritual, all set to shuck off your clothes and leap over a flaming cauldron with a staid, boring mundane name. No, you need a special name. A non-Muggle name. A pagan name...
You've come to the right place! The Pagan Name Generator will generate a new pagan name for you, as many times as you want, and is completely free! "
Yep - Aisling is in the groove - she is in the zone and there's more: ""So," you say to yourself, "how do I get this pagan name? What name should I choose? How will it reflect my new, magickal persona?"
One way to get your pagan name is to do a vision quest. This involves sitting outdoors without any food or toilet paper or television or internet access, and staying within the confines of a very small circle, until you start to get really fed up and start hallucinating that you are watching television or browsing the internet. This is the time to watch very carefully — the images on the mental television you see will give you your pagan name. The problem with this method is the high attrition rate; most people only sit in the small circle until they get fed up enough to go back to a conventional, organized religion. Also, it is responsible for many pagans named Gilligan and Oprah.
Another way to get your pagan name is blah blah blah...
But you're not really interested in those other ways, or else you wouldn't have come here, to the Pagan Name Generator. You want someone else to do the hard work for you. Okay, we will. But in order to make this really work, and be really valid, a true reflection of your magickal persona as your name, you have to do the following ritual: "
So there you go. Interested? I was and I tried it. Result? Aspen Lugh Luna .
Now I wasn't too comfortable with the Lugh bit ( sounds like an alpine iced event) - so I was relieved to read... " You call that a name? Go back and try again!"
So I did and was relieved to know that my real Pagan name is: Aeolus Harmony Sidhe...
NOPE! Try again...Idris Muse Moonshadow
Right! So check it out
You will find the site here: Pagan Name Generator.
Now I am off to leap naked over a ritual fire...
Your pagan friend
I. M. Moonshadow.
Tags: Sauna Recipes Food Suomi Wicca pagan
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