"I never heard of a pagan bashing a homosexual in the name of paganism."
Jerry Falwell, the Virginia televanglist, is the best advertisement for the stupidity, hypocrisy and veniality of TV-based evangelical religion. Watch Jerry Falwell condemn Tinky Winky for being gay, while his three chins quiver in moral indignation. Come on, how can any reasonably intelligent person take this joker seriously?
Jerry Falwell may expend his time, resources and money to promote his intolerant faith, but he has given paganism in Virginia a big boost.
From the Americans United for Separation of Church and State Web site:
“A group of Pagans in Albemarle County, Va., was recently given permission to advertise their multi-cultural holiday program to public school children – and they have the Rev. Jerry Falwell to thank for it.
The dispute started last summer when Gabriel and Joshua Rakoski, twins who attend Hollymead Elementary School, sought permission to distribute fliers about their church’s Vacation Bible School to their peers via “backpack mail.” Many public schools use special folders placed in student backpacks to distribute notices about schools events and sometimes extra-curricular activities to parents.
School officials originally denied the request… citing a school policy barring ‘distribution of literature that is for partisan, sectarian, religious or political purposes.’
…Rakoski ’sicced the Liberty Counsel on the county,’ and the policy was soon revised to allow religious groups to use the backpack mail system. Liberty Counsel is a Religious Right legal group founded by Mathew Staver and now affiliated with Falwell.”
Some pagans took took advantage of the school’s decision to allow religious groups to use the backpack mail system. Now fresh-faced school children, including many evangelicals, are being sent home with printed material in their backpacks extolling the virtues of paganism.
Of course evangelicals are now howling in protest; how dare the school system be fair and impartial! Christian myths and fables are kosher, but the school can’t allow impressionable minds to be subjected to the pagan faith!
Hopefully at least one born again school child will be converted to the pagan belief system. I never heard of a pagan bashing a homosexual in the name of paganism.
Only an organization founded by Jerry Falwell would find fault with a school policy “barring distribution of literature that is for partisan, sectarian, religious or political purposes.” Intolerant freaks like Falwell believe that theirs is the only true religion and therefore should be allowed to proselytize without restraint. Other religions are of the devil and don’t deserve the same privilege.
Jerry Falwell, thanks for helping pagans in Virginia. Blessings in the name of Mother Earth.
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