I tried to be myself. The silence grewThe 13th of September is the day in 1165 that Ghenghis Khan (Temüjin) had his first sauna, he was only four years old. Now, we will admit it was more like a sweat lodge in a yurt. But we are not getting into a debate over technicalities. We will raise a tumbler to his memory and chanting his mantra. "We Khan do!"
Till I could hear the tiniest Mongol Horde
Scuffle the Gobi, a pony's felted shoe...
Then from the fiery pit that self-born bird
Arose. A rat! The unseen good-old man-
The sort of thing that always brings the house down.

The Horde: Ghenghis Khan (the twenty-third), Zany Khan, Samir Khan, Mirri Khan, Brian Khan, Desmond & Lenny Khan, Mel Khan, David Khan too...
Mongolian Feeding Frenzy: David Khan Too ( Mongolian hot pot) in Yak butter sauce. Mel's famous fermented horse-milk sorbet with Mongol custard tart ala Yurt.
Mongolian Drinks: Fermented Mares' Milk Toddy, Des (plus ales)
Mongolian Musik: Ulan Bator Ensemble Skin Drum Jam session ( with thigh bone shakers) ~ Brian and the hordettes
Cleaning: Usual Slave
Not here because of some lame excuse: Ghengis Khan's mother, Dot. Keith MacKhan, Kali Khan & Angel Khan -- the Neurum Creek Horde. It is with the deepest regret that Rastas Khan and Primrose Khan cannot attend due to a prior commitment taming the hoards of Neurumland. The pillaging, plundering and molestation of the willing populous will leave us in catatonic state only to be soothed by alcohol....
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