Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Sam's Oregano Roast Chicken Recipe

For 12 people:

Chicken pieces for 12 people (I used 2kg drumsticks)
3 cloves of garlic, finely diced
3-4 lemons, squeezed (4th sliced into circles)
Oregano, salt and pepper to taste (no precise science here, just a liberal sprinkling over everything)
3 tablespoons of red wine vinegar
3 tablespoons of olive oil (approx)

Oil a large baking dish

Mix lemon juice and vinegar together

Cover the bottom of the baking dish with sliced lemon, place the chicken on top of that, sprinkle with salt, pepper, garlic and oregano

Drizzle lemon juice and vinegar over the top

Cover baking dish and allow to marinade for 2 to 4 hours - turning chicken pieces occassionally and laddling juices over them.

Preheat oven to 180-190c

Cook uncovered for 20 minutes, turn chicken peices an then cook for another 20-25 minutes (depending on size of pieces).


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